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Understand and access the Cadastral Maps of any state in India with Valuation Intelligent System


Cadastral Maps are detailed graphic representations of the divisions and sub-divisions of land, including points to direction, length, and breadth, as well as minute details that are recorded precisely in state land records. Cadastral Maps also known as Bhu Naksha&Sajra Maps or Cizra Maps in some regions of India defines the boundaries and divisions of land in order to identify ownership and purpose.

Why are Cadastral Maps Important for us while finding Land Records?

There is a single source by which we can obtain precise, accurate, comprehensive, and legitimate information about land records which is only the Cadastral Maps. There are three major reasons which make it essential for us to while finding the land records which are as follows:


  1. The Verification of Ownership: Creating Cadastral Maps has one of the most significant advantages in terms of ensuring the legitimacy of property title before making a purchase of a plot, building, or apartment. With these maps, you can verify the ownership of the property before making any purchases. By doing this, you can protect yourself from being defrauded.


  1. The Detailed Information: It is important that you use Cadastral Maps in order to obtain detailed information regarding land records, so you should use them in case you need any details related to these records. Majorly, these maps provide details regarding boundary lines, roads, and the property size locality. 


  1. It saves a lot of time: It is a real-time saver to use Cadastral Maps. All you have to do is visit the portal, and you will have all the details you are looking for in just a few clicks. With your computer, laptop, or cell phone, you will be able to access the online portal of your state anytime, anywhere, and get information about any property. 


What do the Cadastral Maps do for us?


The Cadastral Maps do some the critical things for us which help us while finding the land records of any property which are as follows:

  • It records land ownership and other details for us
  • It assists us during the transfer and administration of ownership for a particular property.
  • It provides us with detailed information about the land surveys which are based on their boundaries and divisions.


Who maintains the Records of Cadastral Maps?

As far as the government is concerned, cadastral maps are maintained at both the state and the central levels of the Indian government. In 2008, the Department of Land Resources which comes under the Central Government in India, launched the Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme to establish a system for maintaining the spatial, digital, and textual form of land records.

During the year 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the SVAMITVA program in order to survey the property. Within this program, the central and state governments are conducting property surveys that will digitize updated land records and update the ownership status of properties throughout the country. 


How does VIS help in finding Cadastral Maps?



Valuation Intelligent System (VIS) is the only platform in India nowadays which is the whole and sole solution for everyone while find the Cadastral Map in any state in India with a single click.


The best part about VIS is that it has an easy-to-use interface which makes it user-friendly. It helps us to access all the state's and union territories' cadastral maps in a single place which helps us to know the land records of any property. Using the VIS, the users don't have to visit several websites in order to get the cadastral maps of different states and union territories. This makes their job more accessible and more convenient by eliminating the need to visit several websites.